Category Archives: General

Clan Darriwell Anniversary…

Pretty soon it’s going to be Chemoux’s anniversary for joining The Clan (approximately 27 days). She’s been fitting in well, and monitors Daddy Skinbag just as well as I can, so I’ve decided to leave the majority of that to her now. As it stands however he’s going to need a serious biffing about to […]

Skinbag Meddling…

Chemoux has caught her first mouse today, I’m so proud: Furbag advancement. It’s been saved though by Skinbag the hero of all small creatures at Darriwell. He has transported it to safety. I suppose she’s going to get used to this interference.


Why does Skinbag always throw away my fresh presents for him?

Skinbag Oddities…

I don’t know what my Skinbag is up to today, but the place is a shambles. About the only thing that IS in the right place tonight is my food bowl! Good thing for him too. Upsetting a cat with such things. Not only that, the place stinks. To top it all off, he threw […]